Kirby Island: The Island of the Puffball
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Kirby Anime (Characters) Page 4

Kirby Anime (Characters) Page 5

Fun Stuff


Brought to you by me, Shamboo-Kun
Hey, wassup, I'm Shamboo-Kun. I bet you know me by the Japanese suffix, don't you? If you've been living under a rock this whole time, yes, I am Piccolo-San from Piccolo-San's DBZ Website. This is officialy my second website.
Just like my DBZ Website, it would be nice if you spotted a typo anywhere here that I made and e-mailed me about it! If you want to tell me about a typo, e-mail me here.
And Yes, I AM Chibi Trunks, do NOT worry.

Kirby Decal

What will happen?!
Heh, done with the midi's. Now I may put up a...dun dun dun...trivia section...

Bravenet Counter your random character this visit.

Kirby in Anime Form

Legal Info
I'm just a fan of Kirby. All things Kirby rightfully belong to Nintendo...

Page Last Updated July 7, 2002