About Me
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Kirby Anime Storyline

Kirby Anime (Characters)

Kirby Anime (Characters) Page 2

Kirby Anime (Characters) Page 3

Kirby Anime (Characters) Page 4

Kirby Anime (Characters) Page 5

Fun Stuff


I like Kirby and I can't wait for the Anime, yes I am a supporter unlike some other people. We can't judge it before we've even seen it, so we just have to wait...

The Story Behind My Site
Well, I was looking at my favorite website of all times. It is a SSB and SSBM one. I saw that it was in the TopSites. I wanted to be in one. But I didn't wanna make an SSB or SSBM one so I thought about making a Kirby one. I knew it wouldn't fit in SSB and SSBM topsites, so I made this one for fun!

Nothing much to say here. Move along!! :)

Page Last Updated July 1, 2002