Kirby Anime Storyline
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Fun Stuff



A legendary warrior was supposed to come and save Pop Star. From, err, something, but I forgot.

So one night a Star-Shaped Spacecraft descended to Pop Star. Out came a pink puffball. "This is the legendary warrior?" everyone asked.

Fumu (her name also said to be Tiff) was thinking about a handsome young guy to be the warrior. She and her brother(?), Bun (also said to be Tuff), asked Kirby if he was the warrior. Kirby said yes.

But Bun and Fumu couldn't help not befriending Kirby and helping him.

So, they helped Kirby. They helped him get rid of some evil and Kirby had to go. Everyone was sad.
Or something like that.

Kirby got into his Star-Shaped Spaceship, preparing to leave.

Then Kirby flew in his SpaceShip to leave. But Dedede had planted a bob-omb in Kirby's Spaceship!

So Kirby's ship blew up, and therefore he was stranded on PopStar! With his friends! And (I think) There is more evil!

Page Last Updated July 1, 2002